Body maps

Use Body Maps to give a visual indication of problem areas for injuries, medication, and incidents

Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a week ago

Body Maps in CareLineLive can be used to provide additional context when recording injuries, incidents, or medication administration instructions.

You can access a client’s body map through the Body Map tab on their profile.

Body Maps support neutral, male, and female graphics, and a variety of different aspects.

👩‍💻 Body Maps is a new feature currently in beta, and we'd love your feedback. Start a conversation using the help bubble to let us know your thoughts


You can record annotations against different parts of the body map. Annotations can be one of 5 different types:


A general note, not linked to any record


Linked to a Client’s Medication entry.

Can be used to specify instructions when administering the medication.


Linked to a Client’s Injury record.

Use this to indicate where on the body an injury affects.

Medical Condition

Linked to a Client’s Medical Condition record.

If the client has an ongoing medical condition, you can add a Body Map annotation to specify the affected areas.


Linked to an Incident record.

Record additional context around an incident, if there is a physical aspect.

Only for Incidents where a client is the primary person.

Adding an annotation

There are two ways to add annotations to a client’s body map.

From the client’s body map

When viewing a client’s body map, you’ll see an Add annotation button in the top-right corner. Clicking this will launch a form asking you to choose the type of annotation.

When choosing Medication, Medical Condition, Injury, or Incident, you’ll be asked if you want to create a new record of that type, or select one of the existing records associated with the client.

Selecting Add new will take you to the form to create a new record. See Form an associated record below for information.

When picking an existing record, you’ll be taken to the annotation creation screen. On the left, you’ll see information about the record you’re adding the annotation against; an interactive body map in the middle; and a list of any annotations you’ve added on the right hand side.

Select a body part by either using the search box, or by clicking through the body map.

Once you’ve selected the body part, you’ll be asked for a description, and optionally region(s). Both of these fields are used to give more information about the annotation; regions can be used to further refine where on the body part is being annotated.

From an associated record

When either creating or updating one of the supported record types, you’ll have an opportunity to create and manage body map annotations linked to that record.

The position of the body map annotations fields on the screen is different for each type. The process is similar to creating an annotation from scratch:

  • Select the body part

  • Add information about the annotation

Exporting a client’s body map

Body maps can be exported to a PDF file for printing.

Head to the client’s body map tab, then click the More button in the top-right, then select Export.

A modal window will open, with a preview of the export. Use the options on the right-hand side to control which annotations are shown in the export.

Click the Export to PDF button in the bottom-right to generate the PDF file.

Body maps in the Carer Companion App

It’s not currently possible to access body maps via the Carer Companion App.

As a workaround, you can export a body map and upload it to the client’s documents.

See Uploading documents for more information

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