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Medical Tab
Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a year ago

You will find a client's medical page by opening the client's record, then selecting the Medical tab. In here you will find:


If the client has a DNAR form, you can add the location of it into this section. To add a DNAR form, click the + button and fill out the details before clicking Save.

Medical conditions

If the client has any specific medical conditions, they can be recorded here.

To add a condition, click the + button and fill out the details before clicking Save.

We provide a default list of Medical Conditions that can be selected from the dropdown, however you are able to adjust and add to this list if necessary. See the Settings section below for more information.

You must also add a short description and start date. You can optionally record a severity level, a finish date if applicable. Treatment information and additional comments can also be recorded.


You can log any injuries that the client has sustained allowing carer's to comment on the progress of using the observations function on the app.

You will need to log the injury type, the severity and a short description as required fields. And you can log the start date and, when relevant, the end date. The start and end date control when the injury will be available for the observations.


Here you can document any medication that the client is currently prescribed.

To add a medication, click the + icon on the right hand side.

You must enter the name of the medication, start date and dosage; if the medication is required to be taken multiple times a day, you can set the daily dose here and set a separate dosage for each individual task.

Select a Type and Route, which allows you to record what form the medication is in and which route it is to be administered by.

If you are aware of side effects, they can also be recorded along with additional comments relating to the medication. These details will be visible to carers within the Carer Companion App.

Any medication entered will be available when creating a medication task.

Body maps

You are able to add body map annotations to the medical conditions, injuries and medication sections from this tab, for more information see here.


You are able to control certain settings relating to the medical section here.


CareLineLive also offers eMAR functionality. For more information on this section, see eMAR.

Video walkthrough

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