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Number Schemes

More detailed customisation for invoice numbering

Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a year ago

Invoice numbers are generated only when an invoice is issued, you are able to control what number is assigned to invoices by using number schemes. Head to Finance β†’ Invoicing β†’ Number schemes to manage your schemes.

⚠️ Once an invoice using a particular number scheme has been issued, you are unable to amend this scheme.


Initially, you will only have one number scheme, the default. This is solely an incremental numbering system and will be used for all invoices and invoice runs unless you select a different scheme from the dropdown menu when creating.

It starts from 1, however you are able to amend that to a number of your choosing. To do this, click on the 3 dots to the right hand side of the scheme.

The number you select will be the first invoice number raised.

Creating a new scheme

You can choose to create a new scheme instead, the benefit of this is to allow you to add a greater level of customisation to your invoice numbering.

To create one, click on the + button in the top right of the number schemes page.

Here you can set the name of the scheme to allow you to select it from a dropdown menu as well as providing a description before choosing the starting number.

Additional formatting options are available if you tick "Customise formatting?".

This allows you to add:

  • Prefix - Characters that should appear before the invoice number

  • Suffix - Characters that should appear after the invoice number

  • Pad length - How many characters the pad should be

  • Pad character - What character the pad will be

There is a handy preview that allows you to check how the invoice number will look once issued!

Pad length and character

The pad allows you to add characters that always appear before an invoice number. Using the example above, if you need an invoice number to be 001, then you will need to add in a pad character of 0 and a pad length of 3.

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