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User Accounts
Where can I find user accounts?
Where can I find user accounts?
Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a week ago

The accounts section is where you can manage the users that are able to use the management portal, carer companion app, or access the Care Circle portal.

To access this area click on Accounts on the navigation bar. Here you have the option of choosing:

  • All

    • Specific user roles

  • Notification groups

  • User roles matrix


The default list shows all users within the team(s) selected. You can also see which user roles are assigned to the account. You can filter by specific roles by clicking on the role names down the left hand side and you can search for specific users by using the magnifying glass icon in the top right. To create new users, click on the + button and fill in the form.

Clicking on a user account will open it up to allow you to see additional details and perform actions such as changing emails, passwords, enabling MFA, and creating a carer record from their user account.

Here you can see an example of a user account, down the left hand side you can see their profile, sessions (where they are logged in) and you can open up their carer record. On the right hand side, you can see the actions section where you can adjust passwords, email address, roles and enable MFA.

Notification groups

User roles

User roles define the access that users have to the system. For more information about these, see the page: User roles.

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