Client Preferences
Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a week ago

Food & Drink Preferences

A table of the client’s liked & disliked food & drinks. Individual items can be marked as a snack and any comments can be left, such as preparation instructions.

You can drag & drop items between the columns and to sort them in order of preference.


Supplements & fortifications

Allows you to list any supplements or fortifications that a client takes. You can record the form and instructions for each.


Set meals

Record a client’s favourite or prescribed meals, including when the meal is for, instructions for preparation, and optionally the different components of the meal.


Meal components

You can optionally add individual components of a meal to give a better indication of how the meal should be prepared, and optionally any nutritional information associated with it.



When a carer is recording a meal observation through the app, they will have the option to pick from one of the client’s set meals or start from scratch.

If a set meal is selected the meal’s components will be copied into the observation, along with any nutritional information that may have been logged.

Nutritional information


We allow nutritional information to be recorded, but do not currently surface the information. We plan to provide reporting functions that will allow you better insight into a client’s diet.

It’s completely optional to include nutritional information, however you may find it proves useful for certain service users.

Meal Times


Here you’re able to give guidance as to how the client would like their meals. We group meals into 4 times: Morning, Lunch, Tea, Dinner. The times of these bands can be adjusted in Settings → Calendar → Time of Day.

You can include instructions specific to that time of day, the preferred time for the meal (e.g. between 8am and 9am), if any support is required for the meal, and location preferences (e.g. in their favourite armchair, or sat at the dining table).

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