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Bulk export MAR/task charts
Bulk export MAR/task charts
David McDougall avatar
Written by David McDougall
Updated over a week ago

If you need to export MAR charts for multiple service users at the same time, you are able to do so in bulk.

To do this, head to the clients section from the main navigation bar. On the left hand side, you are able to see the Export section with Agenda and Tasks underneath it.

You can tick the boxes on the left hand side to select the clients you wish to export the charts for, or use the select all option at the bottom to choose everyone. You can then select the month, or the date range (up to 31 days) on the right hand side.

When you click export, you will be shown another menu, where you can choose the following options:

  • Type - MAR, tasks, or both

  • Include completions - Include any completion codes from carers actioning tasks/manual reconciliations

    • Include completion comments - Where completions are present, any notes left against the task will show at the bottom

  • Include time stamps - Where completions are present you can show the timestamp for when they were actioned

  • Show allergy details - If any allergies have been added on the client's medical tab then these can show at the bottom of the export.

  • Include GP contact details - If the client has an important contact set as their GP then their contact details will show at the bottom.

  • Merge into one PDF document? If selected, the charts will all download under a single PDF document (they will still be separated by client), if not then each chart will be downloaded as a separate attachment.

Video walkthrough

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