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Ending Tasks
Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over 10 months ago

If a task is no longer needed, what's the best way to go about finishing it? There are a few options available which will be detailed below.

Deactivating a task

This is the recommended option for most use cases. When you deactivate a task you end it from the date that the deactivation is made and it prevents any future instances of this task moving forwards. All completions against the task will be kept and historical MAR records will be unaffected.

To do this, click on the ⋮ icon to the right of a task before selecting edit. At the bottom towards the left you should see a deactivate button. Click this and confirm your password to deactivate the task. This action is non-reversible.

🏥 This option can be used if a medication task is set to finish, but the medication itself is not finishing

Adding a finish date

This option can only be used if you are finishing a general task, or if the sync date has been overridden on a medication task. This allows you to select the end date for the task, the date entered will be the last active date for the task. This can be done ahead of time if there is a planned finish for this task.

Click on the ⋮ icon next to the task and select edit. Scroll down to the section titled "how long should this task run for?" before entering in a finish date. Once that date has passed, the task will finish.

Adding a finish date to medications

If you are looking to finish a medication task in this way, you can go to the client's medical tab and add a finish date to the medication in question and click the ⋮ icon to edit it. Before adding a finish date to the medication.

⚠️ This will only work if the medication task is synced to the medication record. If the medication task is not synced, you will need to finish both the medication and the task

Deleting a task - Not recommended!

⚠️ Deleting a task is only recommended if a task has been created by mistake. The reason for this is that deleting a task not only deletes the task, but also any completions added. It removes all record of the task from the client's record.

To delete a task, click the ⋮ icon next to the task and select delete. You will be prompted to enter your password as well as showing how many completions will be deleted as well.

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