A client must have a buyer before an invoice can be generated. By default each client is set up as self-funding but can be removed. If someone else is to be funding their services, you can assign a new buyer to the client.
To assign a buyer, head to the people tab within the client's record and select the + on the right hand side of the buyer's section to see this menu:
At the top, you can choose from one of three options:
Create a new buyer
Import buyer from contacts
Import a global contact
New Buyer
If the buyer is not already in CareLineLive an important contact for the client, or with an existing buyer record you can create a new buyer within a client's record. The first option when you open up the create buyer menu is "New Buyer".
You can then select whether they are a person, or an organisation, select the teams they will be assigned to and the relationship to the client.
From Contacts
If the buyer you wish to use is listed as an important contact for the client, you can select "From contacts" in the create a buyer menu in their people tab. Select the person, or organisation you wish to use and save.
Attaching a Global Buyer
If you are assigning a global buyer, then click into the "Global buyers" tab and select them from the list. You will only see buyers that are assigned to the teams that the client is assigned to.
Clients with multiple service contracts
If you have a client that is being funded by multiple buyers, you are able to link the buyer and the respective service contract.
For example, a client may receive private in addition to local authority funded care. Open the Service Contracts section of the Client’s profile, then open the service contract. Select the respective buyer from the Buyers dropdown and save your changes.
You may also have clients with split billing, in this case, you can assign two buyers to the same contract, selecting the percentage that each should be funding.