In order for a booking to be eligible for both payroll and invoicing, it must be confirmed. Your bookings can automatically confirm if the carer's check ins satisfy all call monitoring thresholds. A booking will be deemed unconfirmed for one of two reasons:
If the carer's check ins have failed one or more of the call monitoring thresholds
The booking type used does not require check ins
All bookings that are unconfirmed will need to be confirmed if they are to be paid or charged.
Confirming bookings
A list of unconfirmed bookings can be accessed by opening Bookings → Unconfirmed. If automatic confirmation is enabled, this list will only contain bookings that didn't meet the thresholds. Warnings will be shown giving the reason why each of these was unable to be confirmed. This is an opportunity to review and follow up with the carer when necessary.
At the top, you can see the total number of unconfirmed bookings. You can also see information about the booking for each booking, including; Date, time, duration, booking type, client and carer(s). On the right hand side, you will see icons depicting which thresholds have been failed, hovering your cursor over these will show more information.
Clicking the ⋮ icon will open up a new menu allowing you to see the warnings (thresholds failed), open up the booking or confirm the booking.
Confirming the booking
To confirm the booking, either use the ⋮ icon and select confirm, or select the booking(s) on the left hand side before clicking confirm bookings in the top right corner. This can allow you to confirm up to 100 bookings at a time.
Click confirm bookings to confirm.
Acknowledging booking duration
This bar appears when the visit duration variance is greater than double the allowed percentage as defined in Settings → Roster → Thresholds. You will be asked to either acknowledge this, or edit the confirmed time.
⚠️ If you pay or charge for the actual visit time, the confirmed time is the time used for invoice or payroll calculations.
Automatic Confirmation
The system can automatically confirm visits that adhere to configurable thresholds. The system will check the punctuality, duration distance away from the service user's address and how long after initiating the check out was the check out completed.
Automatic confirmation can be enabled and configured in Settings → Roster → Thresholds.