Client Agenda
David McDougall avatar
Written by David McDougall
Updated over a week ago

The client agenda is where you can manage your client's bookings for up to four weeks at a time. It is located in the client's record above the schedule tab on the left hand side.

ℹ️ The client's agenda is similar to the client view on the roster, but rather than showing a single day for everyone, it shows a full week (or up to 4) for a single person.

The agenda has the dates down the left hand side so you can see which day you're looking at. You will also see the number hours that are booked in for this day. Up in the top right corner, you are able to change the week shown using the arrows.

You will be able to see bookings on the agenda, whether they are allocated or not and you will also see any schedule entries that have not had bookings generated from them.


Through the agenda, you are able to:

  • Allocate/un-allocate bookings

  • Make amendments to bookings by double clicking/click & drag

  • View past/future weeks

ℹ️ By clicking on the date on the left hand side, you will be given the option to view the roster for that day.

Agenda options

Clicking the ⋮ icon to the top right, presents some additional options:

  • Weeks - Select whether you wish to display 1, 2, 3 or 4 weeks

  • List view/Grid view - Change the view of the roster. The default is grid view (shown above) and you can change this to be a list instead

  • Generate bookings - Takes you to the booking generation screen for this client only

  • Export - Export the agenda to either

    • Print

    • Email

  • Help - Links you back to here!

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