The carer timesheets report allows you to check up on the number of hours that carers are delivering.
โ ๏ธ The carer timesheets report should always be used when checking carer hours, the hours report is only suitable for client hours.
To run the report, head to Reports and select the Carer timesheets report from the dropdown menu. Select your date range and click view report.
Once the report is run, you should see something similar to the above image. The columns from left to right are:
Scheduled - The number of hours that the carer is allocated to a client's schedule entry
Booked - The number of hours that the carer has booked
Actual - The actual time a carer has spent in bookings. This is taken solely from check in & out time. The confirmed time of the booking is not taken into account
Cancelled - The number of hours that are have been cancelled
Confirmed - The number of payable hours that are confirmed
Unconfirmed - The number of payable hours that are unconfirmed. This includes bookings that haven't been checked into
Confirmed - The number of non-payable hours that are confirmed
Unconfirmed - The number of non-payable hours that are unconfirmed. This includes bookings that have not been checked into
The filters you can apply to this report are:
Grouped by - Choose whether you want the report to be grouped by:
Carer - Shows each carer with their full hours for the time period
Date - Shows each date and how many hours that each carer has for that day
Week - Shows each week and carer hours within that week
Carers - Choose a specific carer to view. Using the grouping, this allows you to break down a single carer's hours by date, or week without having to look through other carers
Carer contract type - Choose to show hours from carers on a specific contract type
Export options
Excel spreadsheet