The finance dashboard gives you access to a number of charts to help you visualise any financials managed by CareLineLive; including pay, revenue, travel costs and more.
There are a number of options available to filter the data and choose how it is displayed.
Click the settings icon in the top-right of the screen to open up the options panel.
Date Range
When you load the dashboard it will be showing data from the current year to date. Use the date picker in the top-right of the page to adjust the period being displayed.
Data options
Resolution is the period of time that data is aggregated for. Options are: Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year.
Show un-committed
There are two types of financials that can be displayed: committed and un-committed.
Committed refers to anything that has been invoiced or paid through CareLineLive.
Un-committed includes anything that hasn't been invoiced or paid yet.
Separate teams
When enabled, different datasets will be shown for each team that you have selected. This can be useful to compare different teams to each-other.
You can optionally choose to group the data by different dimensions. Options available are: Line Item Type, Booking Type, Carer Contract Type, Service Contract Type, Custom Field.
When selecting Custom Field, you'll be asked to pick the field that you wish to group by.
Display Options
These options control how the data is displayed in the charts.
Chart Type
The type of chart to use. Options are: Line or Bar
The following charts are currently available:
Gross profit
A direct comparison of your revenue vs pay. This includes pay & charges from bookings & shifts.
How much you are charging to your clients. This includes charges from bookings.
Any outgoing payments to carers. This includes pay from bookings & shifts.
Downloading the chart data
You can choose to download the raw data used by the chart by clicking the three dots in the top-right corner of the chart, and then Download. A CSV file will be downloaded.