Publishing allows you to control how far in advance your carers can see their bookings and shifts on the app.
ℹ️ Publishing will need to be enabled in Settings → Roster → Publishing. See here for more information.
Publishing manually
Manually publishing allows you to publish all bookings and shifts up to a point of your choosing. You are also able to choose when you publish these which provides more flexibility. To do this, head to Publishing on the main navigation bar.
You will see a team selector towards the top right, you are only able to publish one team at a time. To the right of this, there are arrows and a calendar icon. These will allow you to choose the date you wish to publish up until. This should be the day that you want to publish up to and includes the end date. You will see when you are currently published until at the top left, underneath the date selected.
ℹ️ It is not possible to choose a true date range, you can only choose an end date and everything will be published up to, and including that date!
The publish icon towards the bottom left will show the number of items being published, although the list of items will only match the date shown at the top left to save space. When you are ready, click publish to push the items through.
⚠️ Once bookings and shifts have been published, they cannot be retracted from a carer's rota
Automatic publishing
If you are only using automatic publishing, then you likely don't need to make any additional actions! Bookings and shifts that fall within the automatic publishing range will be automatically published.
ℹ️ Even if you use automatic publishing as your usual method, you are able to publish further ahead than the automatic range if you wish.
Maximum range
Irrespective of the method used, the maximum range you are able to publish until is 28 days, this is also the range that carers can see if publishing is not enabled.
Video walkthrough