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Syncing Issues?
Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a year ago

The carer companion app will show the last time the app has synced with the management portal. This can be seen at the top of the rota tab, as well as in the settings under the force sync option.

If you have a steady internet connection, the last synced time should always be recent as this will ensure that the information you have on the app is as up to date as possible. However it may provide a longer time which can indicate issues syncing.

If your phone is having trouble syncing with the management portal, there are a few things to check. There are places to check both within the carer companion app and within the phone itself.

On the phone

Check your phone has data turned on/connected to WiFi

Whilst you are able to check in and out of the visit with data turned off, it won't send that information to the web environment until there is some internet connection.

Check your phone is not connected to an open network such as BT WiFi/FON

Open networks such as this one require logging in. This means that they will allow you to connect but will not grant access to the internet until you either pay or log in with your account. If your phone has been connected to one of these, they will usually connect as soon as the network is in range - effectively turning off your internet. Unfortunately, these networks, especially BT are available on most residential streets so they can cause a lot of issues!

Try turning airplane mode on/off

This can help if there is an issue with the phone's data signal by trying to bump it back into place, usually found in your phone's settings, you can enable and disable airplane mode.

Have you tried turning it off and on again?

No, seriously! This works by starting everything again from fresh to make sure that there isn't just a disconnect somewhere within the phone. The clichés have to start from somewhere!

In the carer companion app

Sync the phone manually in the app

The app should refresh automatically if the device has an internet connection. However, there are 3 ways to manually sync the app with the management portal:

  1. Click the sync icon from the rota page

  2. Pull down and release from the rota page

  3. Use 'Force sync' in the settings tab

⚠️ These options will only work when the device has an active internet connection.

Once the app has successfully synced, the Last Synced status on the rota screen will change to Just now or within the last few seconds. If this status does not update, then the sync has not been successful.

Check your app is updated to the latest operating system and version

To ensure the smoothest running of the app it is good practice to make sure that it is updated to the latest version as all new updates and fixes will be in that version.

You are able to check the version number in the settings tab within the app, or a person with the necessary access within the management portal under the app tab within your carer record.

If you are unsure, open up either the Play/App store and check if there is an update available!

Ensure that you are using the new sync method in the app settings

In the settings tab, you will find an option called use new sync mechanism. Check this is enabled before attempting to sync again.

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