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Clients List
Dec Norton avatar
Written by Dec Norton
Updated over a year ago

The clients list is where all the clients in your management portal can be found. You can find this by clicking into client's from the main navigation bar. By default, you will see 20 clients per page and only active clients will show, to help you find clients quickly, there are a few filters that can be used.

ℹ️ At the bottom of the page, you can click the down arrow next to "Per page" to change the number of client's that are shown


The search icon can be found in the top right corner, click on that and type in the name of the person you are looking to find, you can use first or surname and filtering will apply as soon as you start typing so you won't need to type in the full name.

You are also able to search by:

  • NHS number

  • Phone number

  • LA Reference code

  • Client reference (A unique code generated when the client record is created, taken from the first three letters of both the first and surname e.g. John Smith - JOHSMI)


Client's are initially displayed in alphabetical order by surname, however you can change this to reverse alphabetical order by clicking on the column title, 'name'. You are also able to sort by the client's age by clicking on the 'Age' Column. This can be set to either ascending, or descending age.

Active or inactive?

When you click into the client list, the default filter is active. This means that only your active clients will be showing. You can select inactive from the list on the left hand side, or by clicking the 'x' on the filter "Active is true" at the top of the page.

ℹ️ Active clients are clients that have a contract assigned that is within date. Inactive client's are client's without a contract assigned, or with a finished contract.


There are a number of filters that can be applied to the client's list by clicking "+ Add filter" at the top of the page.

When filters are applied, they will be shown above the client list allowing you to see what filters are currently active. If you wish to remove a filter, you can click the 'x' to the right of the filter.


Clicking map on the left hand side, will open up the map tool so you can see where your carers and clients are located, you can apply filters to only show clients if needed.


From the clients list there are two export options:


At the bottom left of the clients list, you will find the settings. Here there are options to manage:

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